all right; business firm; profession; capable; carry out; prevail; conduct; gotravel; range; row; soon
【計】 row
【醫】 dromo-
【經】 line
行 xíng 走:行走。步行。旅行。行蹤。行百里者半九十。行雲流水(喻自然不拘...>>查看“行”在國語字典中的解釋
1.tier 2.column 3.hong 4.LN 5.row 6.O.K. 7.Okay 8.wend 9.Allright. 10.actingout 11.string 12.cultivation 13.practice 14.patipatti 15.behavior 16.postureinwalking中英例句:
- 他的行為招致尖銳的批評。His behavior called forth sharp criticism.
- 他有才幹能在本行業中首屈一指。His ability carried him to the top of his profession.
- 醫生定期到這家進行拜訪,檢查嬰兒有沒有問題。The doctor made periodic visit to the house to see if the baby was all right.
- 總之,他的行為是令人震驚的。His behavior was, in a word, shocking.
- 行進中的兩路縱隊越走越近,終於合成一路。The two marching columns moved closer and finally merged.
- 他的行為給他的家庭帶來了恥辱。His behaviors have brought dishonor onto his family.