音標['pr?ktis] 讀音漢語翻譯
n. 實踐, 練習, 實行, 慣例, 習慣, 開業
vt. 實踐, 實行, 練習, 實習, 業務
vi. 實踐, 實行, 練習, 實習, 業務
【醫】 實踐, 實習, 行醫, 醫業
【經】 實務, 實習, 慣例
make a practice of
out of practice
in practice
in practice if not in profession
名詞:practicer 動詞過去式:practiced 過去分詞:practiced 現在分詞:practicing 第三人稱單數:practices詞意辨析:
drill, exercise, practice, training, discipline這些名詞都有“練習、訓練、鍛鍊”之意。
drill: 側重進行有系統的,嚴格和重複的練習。
exercise: 主要指為強壯體魄而進行的鍛鍊,也可指進行練習以保持已經獲得的技巧。
practice: 指把所學的理論或知識用於實踐以獲得技藝與技巧。
training: 普通用詞,泛指為從事某種職業而進行的身體或智力方面的訓練。
discipline: 既可指訓練又可指為達到某種熟練程度而進行約束。habit, practice, custom, convention這組名詞一般含義為“習慣”。
habit: 指個人的“習慣”,通常用於表示做事、思考問題或行為舉止的不自覺的方式方法。- that proved to be my undoing, for i soon got back to my old bad habit of dozing off in front of the screen.
practice: 既可表示個人的也可表示社會的“習慣”,這種“習慣”從性質上看是一種反覆不斷的或是有選擇性的行為或者方法。- on the other hand, your stomach would turn at the idea of frying potatoes in animal fat——the normally accepted practice in many northern countries.
在另一方面,一想到用動物油煎馬鈴薯,你便會作嘔。然而在許多北歐國家裡,這是為大家接受的通常習慣。 - she walked slowly into the hall and at once noticed that all the room doors were open,yet following her general practice she had shut them before going out.
custom: 具有 habit 和 practice 的一切含義,此外,custom 還包含這樣一層意思:長期而廣泛採用的行為或方法,即風俗習慣,按照某地區人們共同生活及其行為的準則或規範,它不僅有指導意義,而且具有必須遵循的意義。- don't be a slave to custom.
不要做風俗習慣的奴隸。 - from the moment of his birth the customs into which he is born shape his experience and behaviour.
convention: 其實是其他3個詞的近義詞,它的含義為:固定的或公眾一致承認的行事或表達思想的方法。- they disregard social conventions without being conscious that they are doing anything extraordinary.
名詞 practice:
- a customary way of operation or behavior同義詞:pattern
- systematic training by multiple repetitions同義詞:exercise, drill, practice session, recitation
- translating an idea into action同義詞:praxis
- the exercise of a profession
- knowledge of how something is usually done
動詞 practice:
- learn by repetition同義詞:drill, exercise, practise
- avail oneself to同義詞:apply, use
- carry out or practice; as of jobs and professions同義詞:practise, exercise, do
- engage in a rehearsal (of)同義詞:rehearse, practise
- It is my usual practice to pay on the nail when going shopping.購物時我習慣於當場付錢。
- It is the practice in Britain to drive on the left.
- We've made our plans, and now we must put them into practice.我們已訂好計畫,現在應付諸實施了。
v.(動詞)prac.ticed,,及物動詞)To do or perform habitually or customarily; make a habit of:習慣於:習慣性地做或按慣例做或執行;使…成為習慣:例句:She practiced restraint in her friendships.她交友十分謹慎
To do or perform (something) repeatedly in order to acquire or polish a skill:練習:為獲取或提高技能而反覆做或練習(某事):例句:practice a dance step.練舞步
To give lessons or repeated instructions to; drill:訓練:給…上課或反覆指導;操練:例句:practiced the students in handwriting.教學生們練習書法
To work at, especially as a profession:從事,執業:從事,尤指作為職業而從事:例句:practice law.執法
To carry out in action; observe:實踐,篤行:在行動中執行;遵守:例句:She practices her religion piously.她是一個虔誠的宗教信奉者
Obsolete To plot (something evil).【廢語】 密謀,圖謀:圖謀策劃( * 之事)v.intr.(不及物動詞)To do or perform something habitually or repeatedly.習於:習慣性地或反覆地做或執行To do something repeatedly in order to acquire or polish a skill.反覆練習:為獲取或提高某種技能而反覆做某事To work at a profession.執業:從事某職業Archaic To intrigue or plot.【古語】 密謀,策劃n.(名詞)A habitual or customary action or way of doing something:習慣:習慣性或慣例性的行為或辦事方式:例句:makes a practice of being punctual.養成準時的習慣
Repeated performance of an activity in order to learn or perfect a skill:苦練:為掌握或完善某種技能某活動的反覆進行:例句:Practice will make you a good musician.反覆練習能使你成為優秀的音樂家
Archaic The skill so learned or perfected.【古語】 熟練的技巧:反覆練習而掌握或完善的技能The condition of being skilled through repeated exercise:熟練:經反覆練習而變得熟練的狀態:例句:out of practice.生疏
The act or process of doing something; performance or action:執行,實踐:做某事的行為或過程;執行或行動:例句:a theory that is difficult to put into practice.一個難以付諸實踐的理論
Exercise of an occupation or a profession:業務,工作:職業或行業的實踐:例句:the practice of law.從事律師業
The business of a professional person:專業:職業人員的行業:例句:an obstetrician with her own practice.專業是產科醫師
A habitual or customary action or act. Often used in the plural:慣常的舉動:習慣性的或慣例性的行為或行動。常用複數形式:例句:That company engages in questionable business practices. Facial tattooing is a standard practice among certain peoples.這個公司所從事的業務有些問題。紋臉是某些民族的基本習俗
Law The methods of procedure used in a court of law.【法律】 程式法:用於法庭的訴訟程式方法Archaic 【古語】 The act of tricking or scheming, especially with malicious intent.陰謀:欺詐或圖謀的行為,尤指帶有惡意A trick, a scheme, or an intrigue.密謀:詭計、計策或圖謀
來源:Middle English practisen 中古英文 practisen from Old French practiser 源自 古法文 practiser alteration of practiquer practiquer的變化 from practique [practice] 源自 practique [實踐] from Late Latin pr3cticô [practical] * see practicable 源自 後期拉丁語 pr3cticô [實際的,實用的] *參見 practicable
n.(名詞)<參考辭彙><同義詞>practice,drill,exercise,rehearse同義詞>The central meaning shared by these verbs is .to do or cause to do again and again in order to acquire proficiency.: 這些動詞所共有的中心意思是.為達到熟練程度而反覆地或使反覆地做: 例句:practice the shot put;練習推鉛球;
例句:drill pupils in the multiplication tables;讓學生們練習乘法口訣表;
例句:exercising one`s wits;運用智慧;
例句:an actor rehearsing a role. See also Synonyms at habit 排練角色的演員 參見同義詞 habit
drill: 側重進行有系統的,嚴格和重複的練習。
exercise: 主要指為強壯體魄而進行的鍛鍊,也可指進行練習以保持已經獲得的技巧。
practice: 指把所學的理論或知識用於實踐以獲得技藝與技巧。
training: 普通用詞,泛指為從事某種職業而進行的身體或智力方面的訓練。
discipline: 既可指訓練又可指為達到某種熟練程度而進行約束。
habit, practice, custom, convention這組名詞一般含義為“習慣”。
habit: 指個人的“習慣”,通常用於表示做事、思考問題或行為舉止的不自覺的方式方法。- that proved to be my undoing, for i soon got back to my old bad habit of dozing off in front of the screen.
practice: 既可表示個人的也可表示社會的“習慣”,這種“習慣”從性質上看是一種反覆不斷的或是有選擇性的行為或者方法。- on the other hand, your stomach would turn at the idea of frying potatoes in animal fat——the normally accepted practice in many northern countries.
在另一方面,一想到用動物油煎馬鈴薯,你便會作嘔。然而在許多北歐國家裡,這是為大家接受的通常習慣。 - she walked slowly into the hall and at once noticed that all the room doors were open,yet following her general practice she had shut them before going out.
custom: 具有 habit 和 practice 的一切含義,此外,custom 還包含這樣一層意思:長期而廣泛採用的行為或方法,即風俗習慣,按照某地區人們共同生活及其行為的準則或規範,它不僅有指導意義,而且具有必須遵循的意義。- don't be a slave to custom.
不要做風俗習慣的奴隸。 - from the moment of his birth the customs into which he is born shape his experience and behaviour.
convention: 其實是其他3個詞的近義詞,它的含義為:固定的或公眾一致承認的行事或表達思想的方法。- they disregard social conventions without being conscious that they are doing anything extraordinary.
名詞 practice:
- a customary way of operation or behavior同義詞:pattern
- systematic training by multiple repetitions同義詞:exercise, drill, practice session, recitation
- translating an idea into action同義詞:praxis
- the exercise of a profession
- knowledge of how something is usually done
動詞 practice:
- learn by repetition同義詞:drill, exercise, practise
- avail oneself to同義詞:apply, use
- carry out or practice; as of jobs and professions同義詞:practise, exercise, do
- engage in a rehearsal (of)同義詞:rehearse, practise
- It is my usual practice to pay on the nail when going shopping.購物時我習慣於當場付錢。
- It is the practice in Britain to drive on the left.
- We've made our plans, and now we must put them into practice.我們已訂好計畫,現在應付諸實施了。
v.(動詞)prac.ticed,,及物動詞)To do or perform habitually or customarily; make a habit of:習慣於:習慣性地做或按慣例做或執行;使…成為習慣:例句:She practiced restraint in her friendships.她交友十分謹慎
To do or perform (something) repeatedly in order to acquire or polish a skill:練習:為獲取或提高技能而反覆做或練習(某事):例句:practice a dance step.練舞步
To give lessons or repeated instructions to; drill:訓練:給…上課或反覆指導;操練:例句:practiced the students in handwriting.教學生們練習書法
To work at, especially as a profession:從事,執業:從事,尤指作為職業而從事:例句:practice law.執法
To carry out in action; observe:實踐,篤行:在行動中執行;遵守:例句:She practices her religion piously.她是一個虔誠的宗教信奉者
Obsolete To plot (something evil).【廢語】 密謀,圖謀:圖謀策劃( * 之事)v.intr.(不及物動詞)To do or perform something habitually or repeatedly.習於:習慣性地或反覆地做或執行To do something repeatedly in order to acquire or polish a skill.反覆練習:為獲取或提高某種技能而反覆做某事To work at a profession.執業:從事某職業Archaic To intrigue or plot.【古語】 密謀,策劃n.(名詞)A habitual or customary action or way of doing something:習慣:習慣性或慣例性的行為或辦事方式:例句:makes a practice of being punctual.養成準時的習慣
Repeated performance of an activity in order to learn or perfect a skill:苦練:為掌握或完善某種技能某活動的反覆進行:例句:Practice will make you a good musician.反覆練習能使你成為優秀的音樂家
Archaic The skill so learned or perfected.【古語】 熟練的技巧:反覆練習而掌握或完善的技能The condition of being skilled through repeated exercise:熟練:經反覆練習而變得熟練的狀態:例句:out of practice.生疏
The act or process of doing something; performance or action:執行,實踐:做某事的行為或過程;執行或行動:例句:a theory that is difficult to put into practice.一個難以付諸實踐的理論
Exercise of an occupation or a profession:業務,工作:職業或行業的實踐:例句:the practice of law.從事律師業
The business of a professional person:專業:職業人員的行業:例句:an obstetrician with her own practice.專業是產科醫師
A habitual or customary action or act. Often used in the plural:慣常的舉動:習慣性的或慣例性的行為或行動。常用複數形式:例句:That company engages in questionable business practices. Facial tattooing is a standard practice among certain peoples.這個公司所從事的業務有些問題。紋臉是某些民族的基本習俗
Law The methods of procedure used in a court of law.【法律】 程式法:用於法庭的訴訟程式方法Archaic 【古語】 The act of tricking or scheming, especially with malicious intent.陰謀:欺詐或圖謀的行為,尤指帶有惡意A trick, a scheme, or an intrigue.密謀:詭計、計策或圖謀
來源:Middle English practisen 中古英文 practisen from Old French practiser 源自 古法文 practiser alteration of practiquer practiquer的變化 from practique [practice] 源自 practique [實踐] from Late Latin pr3cticô [practical] * see practicable 源自 後期拉丁語 pr3cticô [實際的,實用的] *參見 practicable
n.(名詞)<參考辭彙><同義詞>practice,drill,exercise,rehearse同義詞>The central meaning shared by these verbs is .to do or cause to do again and again in order to acquire proficiency.: 這些動詞所共有的中心意思是.為達到熟練程度而反覆地或使反覆地做: 例句:practice the shot put;練習推鉛球;
例句:drill pupils in the multiplication tables;讓學生們練習乘法口訣表;
例句:exercising one`s wits;運用智慧;
例句:an actor rehearsing a role. See also Synonyms at habit 排練角色的演員 參見同義詞 habit
habit: 指個人的“習慣”,通常用於表示做事、思考問題或行為舉止的不自覺的方式方法。
- that proved to be my undoing, for i soon got back to my old bad habit of dozing off in front of the screen.
practice: 既可表示個人的也可表示社會的“習慣”,這種“習慣”從性質上看是一種反覆不斷的或是有選擇性的行為或者方法。
- on the other hand, your stomach would turn at the idea of frying potatoes in animal fat——the normally accepted practice in many northern countries.
在另一方面,一想到用動物油煎馬鈴薯,你便會作嘔。然而在許多北歐國家裡,這是為大家接受的通常習慣。 - she walked slowly into the hall and at once noticed that all the room doors were open,yet following her general practice she had shut them before going out.
custom: 具有 habit 和 practice 的一切含義,此外,custom 還包含這樣一層意思:長期而廣泛採用的行為或方法,即風俗習慣,按照某地區人們共同生活及其行為的準則或規範,它不僅有指導意義,而且具有必須遵循的意義。
- don't be a slave to custom.
不要做風俗習慣的奴隸。 - from the moment of his birth the customs into which he is born shape his experience and behaviour.
convention: 其實是其他3個詞的近義詞,它的含義為:固定的或公眾一致承認的行事或表達思想的方法。
- they disregard social conventions without being conscious that they are doing anything extraordinary.
名詞 practice:
- a customary way of operation or behavior同義詞:pattern
- systematic training by multiple repetitions同義詞:exercise, drill, practice session, recitation
- translating an idea into action同義詞:praxis
- the exercise of a profession
- knowledge of how something is usually done
動詞 practice:
- learn by repetition同義詞:drill, exercise, practise
- avail oneself to同義詞:apply, use
- carry out or practice; as of jobs and professions同義詞:practise, exercise, do
- engage in a rehearsal (of)同義詞:rehearse, practise
- It is my usual practice to pay on the nail when going shopping.購物時我習慣於當場付錢。
- It is the practice in Britain to drive on the left.
- We've made our plans, and now we must put them into practice.我們已訂好計畫,現在應付諸實施了。
v.(動詞)prac.ticed,,及物動詞)To do or perform habitually or customarily; make a habit of:習慣於:習慣性地做或按慣例做或執行;使…成為習慣:例句:She practiced restraint in her friendships.她交友十分謹慎
To do or perform (something) repeatedly in order to acquire or polish a skill:練習:為獲取或提高技能而反覆做或練習(某事):例句:practice a dance step.練舞步
To give lessons or repeated instructions to; drill:訓練:給…上課或反覆指導;操練:例句:practiced the students in handwriting.教學生們練習書法
To work at, especially as a profession:從事,執業:從事,尤指作為職業而從事:例句:practice law.執法
To carry out in action; observe:實踐,篤行:在行動中執行;遵守:例句:She practices her religion piously.她是一個虔誠的宗教信奉者
Obsolete To plot (something evil).【廢語】 密謀,圖謀:圖謀策劃( * 之事)v.intr.(不及物動詞)To do or perform something habitually or repeatedly.習於:習慣性地或反覆地做或執行To do something repeatedly in order to acquire or polish a skill.反覆練習:為獲取或提高某種技能而反覆做某事To work at a profession.執業:從事某職業Archaic To intrigue or plot.【古語】 密謀,策劃n.(名詞)A habitual or customary action or way of doing something:習慣:習慣性或慣例性的行為或辦事方式:例句:makes a practice of being punctual.養成準時的習慣
Repeated performance of an activity in order to learn or perfect a skill:苦練:為掌握或完善某種技能某活動的反覆進行:例句:Practice will make you a good musician.反覆練習能使你成為優秀的音樂家
Archaic The skill so learned or perfected.【古語】 熟練的技巧:反覆練習而掌握或完善的技能The condition of being skilled through repeated exercise:熟練:經反覆練習而變得熟練的狀態:例句:out of practice.生疏
The act or process of doing something; performance or action:執行,實踐:做某事的行為或過程;執行或行動:例句:a theory that is difficult to put into practice.一個難以付諸實踐的理論
Exercise of an occupation or a profession:業務,工作:職業或行業的實踐:例句:the practice of law.從事律師業
The business of a professional person:專業:職業人員的行業:例句:an obstetrician with her own practice.專業是產科醫師
A habitual or customary action or act. Often used in the plural:慣常的舉動:習慣性的或慣例性的行為或行動。常用複數形式:例句:That company engages in questionable business practices. Facial tattooing is a standard practice among certain peoples.這個公司所從事的業務有些問題。紋臉是某些民族的基本習俗
Law The methods of procedure used in a court of law.【法律】 程式法:用於法庭的訴訟程式方法Archaic 【古語】 The act of tricking or scheming, especially with malicious intent.陰謀:欺詐或圖謀的行為,尤指帶有惡意A trick, a scheme, or an intrigue.密謀:詭計、計策或圖謀
來源:Middle English practisen 中古英文 practisen from Old French practiser 源自 古法文 practiser alteration of practiquer practiquer的變化 from practique [practice] 源自 practique [實踐] from Late Latin pr3cticô [practical] * see practicable 源自 後期拉丁語 pr3cticô [實際的,實用的] *參見 practicable
n.(名詞)<參考辭彙><同義詞>practice,drill,exercise,rehearse同義詞>The central meaning shared by these verbs is .to do or cause to do again and again in order to acquire proficiency.: 這些動詞所共有的中心意思是.為達到熟練程度而反覆地或使反覆地做: 例句:practice the shot put;練習推鉛球;
例句:drill pupils in the multiplication tables;讓學生們練習乘法口訣表;
例句:exercising one`s wits;運用智慧;
例句:an actor rehearsing a role. See also Synonyms at habit 排練角色的演員 參見同義詞 habit
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- pit of stomach的漢語翻譯
- pow的漢語翻譯
- pelvic outlet的漢語翻譯
- parenteral administration的漢語翻譯