拼音:wú kě nài hé 英文解釋:
have no alternative; have no other way中文解釋:
沒有辦法;無能為力 既已無可奈何。——《戰國策&midd... >>
查看“無可奈何”在國語詞典中的解釋 例句:
- 整個晚上無可奈何地看他們的家庭電影真受罪!
Having to watch their home movies all evening was a fate worse than death!
- 她爭執一番後,無可奈何地繳納了罰金。
She paid the fine under protest.
- 他似無可奈何地做著述辛苦的工作。
He seemed resigned to the hard work.
- 失敗主義對失敗的可能性的無可奈何的接受
Acceptance of or resignation to the prospect of defeat.
- 薩姆舉起雙臂作了個無可奈何的姿勢。
Sam raised his arms in a helpless gesture
- "我無可奈何地走出旅館。
"Bewildered, I went out.
- 他們的父母無可奈何地應允了這門親事。
Their parents unwillingly consented to the marriage.