拼音:tuī qiāo 英文解釋:
deliberate; elaborate; hash; polish; refine; thrash; thresh; weigh中文解釋:
斟酌字句。亦泛指對事情的反覆考慮推敲字句 >>
查看“推敲”在國語詞典中的解釋 中英例句:
- 你的論點經不起(仔細)推敲。
Your argument just won't stand up (to close scrutiny).
- 他們寫的歌詞,經過精心推敲,有意使人震驚。
They wrote words which were deliberately intended to shock.
- 推敲出句中的意思
puzzle out the meaning of a sentence
- 過分推敲為許多當代作品的特徵。
Overelaboration characterizes so much of presentday writing.
- 文字的推敲是一種很好的思考練習。
The careful choice of words is a good practice of thinking.
- 不幸的是,經過詳細的推敲,這個簡潔的答案並不成立。
This neat explanation, alas, does not hold up very well under scrutiny.