拼音:tuán jié英文解釋:
rally; unite; consolidation; solidarity; solidification; union【法】 solidarity
(1) ∶唐宋時地方民兵丁壯組織。亦指該類組織的士兵(2) ∶和睦;友好安定團結... >>查看“團結”在國語詞典中的解釋相關詞條:
1.unity 2.holdtogether 3.solidify 4.solidarity 5.comity 6.solidification 7.consolidation 8.hangtogether 9.cohesion 10.solidness 11.unite 12.communality 13.united相關對話:
- 我們在這個問題上是團結一致的。We are solidly united on this issue.
- 我們應該團結起來為消除貧窮和疾病而鬥爭。We should unite in fighting/unite to fight poverty and disease.
- 只要我們緊密團結就能克服困難。We can surely overcome these difficulties as long as we are closely united.
- 保守黨在緊要關頭總是能團結一致。The Tory party always holds together in times of crisis.
- 總統號召全國人民團結起來。The President made a call for national unity.
- 舉國團結在戰時是非常重要的。National unity is essential in time of war.
- 他們團結一致支持領袖的事業。They rallied to their leader's cause.