字典網>> 漢英字典>> T開頭詞條>>團塊的英文翻譯


拼音:tuán kuài


conglomeration; gobbet
【化】 agglomerate; briquet; briquette; briquetting
【醫】 ball


1.blockmass  2.glaebule  3.cake  4.conglomerate  5.nodule  6.briquetting  


  1. 粘結團通過粘結而形成的聚集物質團塊
    A clumped mass of material formed by agglutination
  2. 凝聚作用聚結成團塊的行為或過程
    The act or process of gathering into a mass.
  3. 使成團,使結塊,使聚結使形成或聚集成圓的團塊
    To form or collect into a rounded mass
  4. 使聚集,使積聚使聚集成團塊、總體或整體
    To gather into a mass, sum, or whole.
  5. 凝聚作用聚結成團塊的行為或過程
    The act or process of gathering into a mass
  6. 粘結團通過粘結而形成的聚集物質團塊
    A clumped mass of material formed by agglutination.
  7. 使聚集,使積聚使聚集成團塊、總體或整體
    To gather into a mass, sum, or whole
  8. 沈積凝灰岩主要為中遠源的火山灰與碳酸鹽灰泥混合而成,含石英團塊,顯斑點構造。
    Tuffite is formed by the combination of volcanic ashes and carbonate mud.
