字典網>> 漢英字典>> T開頭詞條>>投資的英文翻譯


拼音:tóu zī


invest; investment; lay out
【經】 invest; investment; lay out; put out


1.invest  2.investmentdollars  3.layout  4.sink...into  5.capitalformation  6.embark  7.moneyinvested  8.capitalinvested  9.sinking  10.vestedcapital  11.fund  12.buychips  


  1. 照我的和大多數人的看法,這是很可靠的投資
    In my opinion and in the opinion of most people, it is a very sound investment.
  2. 最好不要冒險投資這么多。
    You had better not invest so much money at your peril.
  3. 她由於投資精明積蓄了一筆財產。
    By investing wisely she accumulated a fortune.
  4. 由於投資少,我們的工業生產一直停滯不前。
    Due to low investment, our industrial output has remained stagnant.
  5. 政府正在試圖吸引更多資金投資到造船業方面來。
    The government is trying to attract more investment into the shipbuilding industry.
  6. 我不會把我的錢投資到他的公司。
    I won't invest my money in his company.
  7. 這筆錢主要投資於政府公債上。
    The money is invested principally in government stock.
  8. 古玩是一種非常保險的投資對象
    Antiques are a very safe investment.


投資的意思 投入的資金詳細解釋.把資金投入企業或基本建設。 葉聖陶 《壩上一天》:“﹝民眾﹞提出修建 海流圖 水庫的要求,不用國家投資,民眾願意集中人力物力來修建。”.投入企業或基本建設的資金。泛指為達一定目的
