拼音:tiān zāi英文解釋:
natural disaster; visitation of Providence【經】 act of god
天降的災禍;自然災害,如水災、旱災、風災、地震等天災可以死。—&md... >>查看“天災”在國語詞典中的解釋相關詞條:
1.actofgod 2.plague 3.disaster 4.naturalcalamity 5.naturaldisasters 6.handofgod 7.naturaldisaster例句:
- 1998年長江洪災分析:天災與人禍An Analysis on the flood of the Changjiang River in 1998
- 梅拉把這些天災石碾成一堆碎片。Mehlar crushes the scourgestones into a pile of rubble.
- 他們不該被認為應對天災所造成的損失負責。They shall not be held responsible for any damage by act of God.
- 身為神秘藝術的大師,卡爾選擇了天災陣營。A master of arcane arts, Kael has chosen the side of the Scourge
- 這所古建築毀於天災。he discovered that his house was not insured against acts of God.
- 最後,遺族和天災當然有很大的區別。And of course there is the grand difference between SCOURGE and FORSAKEN.
- 你那弱小的魔法無法挑戰天災的權威!Your petty magics are no challenge to the might of the Scourge!
- 梅拉把這些天災石碾成一堆碎片。Mehlar crushes the scourgestones into a pile of rubble