boot; hoof; kick【法】 kick
1.boot 2.lunge 3.kicking 4.hoof例句:
- 那匹馬踢了我。That horse kicked me.
- 那些喜歡和他一起踢足球的小男孩都把他當作叔叔。He is uncle to all the little boys who like to play football with him.
- 我從不錯過踢足球的機會。I never miss a chance of playing football.
- 在這場足球賽中,他主罰,踢進了一個球。He kicked a penalty goal in the football match.
- 我們的小孩們在踢足球。Our kids are playing football.
- 人們喜歡踢足球。People love to play soccer.
- 我們在草地上踢足球。We play football on the grass.
- 孩子用的家具必須經得起拳打腳踢。Children's furniture must withstand kicks and blows.