拼音:sǔn shāng英文解釋:
damage; damnification; damnify; harm; injure; mar; scathe; trauma【醫】 injure; injury; insult
(1) ∶損害損傷了肩膀(2) ∶挫傷不要損傷民眾的積極性(3) ∶損失在我軍的... >>查看“損傷”在國語詞典中的解釋相關詞條:
1.impairment 2.Mar. 3.trauma 4.scathe 5.damnify 6.damnification 7.mental 8.wound 9.injury 10.traumatize 11.damage 12.bruise 13.lesion 14.injure 15.impair 16.louse相關對話:
- 外傷身體的嚴重損傷或刺激,常由暴力或事故造成A serious injury or shock to the body, as from violence or an accident.
- 身體的損傷,發炎或損傷A bodily injury, irritation, or trauma.
- 十分之一的貨物受到損傷。One tenth of the goods were damaged.
- 他手上那塊表皮受到損傷。That part of the epidermis on his hand is damaged.