a. 心智的, 精神病的, 心理的, 頦的
n. 精神病患者
【醫】 精神的, 頦的
- Ageing is accompanied by a slow degeneration of his mental faculties.他隨著年紀增長,智力逐漸衰退。
- He was certified and sent to a mental hospital.他經診斷為精神失常而送往精神病院。
- Physical disability causes mental anguish.生理傷殘會引起心理苦悶。
- Mental illness can create a sense of alienation from the real world.精神病能產生一種與現實世界脫離的感覺。
- His problem is mental, not physical.他的問題是心理的而不是身體的。
- We should pay more attention to our mental health.我們應該更注重心理健康。
crazy, mad, mental這些形容詞都表示“發瘋的,精神錯亂的”之意。
crazy: 通俗用詞,指極度的神經錯亂或精神失常,也指對事物的狂勢,失去自控能力。
mad: 語氣比crazy正式,但系普通用詞。通常指人精神狂亂,完全不能自我控制的一種病態。
mental: 通常指患有精神病的。mental, spiritual這兩個形容詞均有“精神的”之意。
mental: 側重指某人對周圍環境所具有的內心,情緒上及智力方面的反映。
spiritual: 側重人內心深處的思維對客觀事物的反映,而不是人的身體對事物的反應而構成人的精神因素。英文字典
形容詞 mental:
- involving the mind or an intellectual process
- of or relating to the mind
- of or relating to the chin- or liplike structure in insects and certain mollusks
- of or relating to the chin or median part of the lower jaw同義詞:genial
- affected by a disorder of the mind
mental: 側重指某人對周圍環境所具有的內心,情緒上及智力方面的反映。
spiritual: 側重人內心深處的思維對客觀事物的反映,而不是人的身體對事物的反應而構成人的精神因素。
形容詞 mental:
- involving the mind or an intellectual process
- of or relating to the mind
- of or relating to the chin- or liplike structure in insects and certain mollusks
- of or relating to the chin or median part of the lower jaw同義詞:genial
- affected by a disorder of the mind