字典網>> 漢英字典>> S開頭詞條>>實踐的英文翻譯


拼音:shí jiàn


carry out; fulfil; practise; practice
【醫】 practice


1.liveupto  2.practise  3.practice  4.fulfil  5.putintopractise  6.practised  7.experience  8.fulfill  9.actupto  10.praxis  


  1. 認識從實踐開始
    Knowledge begin with practice.
  2. 我們必須把理論與實踐相結合是個重要原則
    It is an essential principle that we must combine theory with practice.
  3. 這世上有些人把整個時間花費於搜尋正義,卻騰不出時間來付諸實踐
    Some folks in this world spend their whole time hunting after righteousness and can not find any time to practice it.
  4. 那計畫不錯,不過實踐上是否可行?
    It's a fine scheme on paper, but will it work in practice?
  5. 我們未來的計畫必須與當前的實踐相合。
    Our future plans must mesh with existing practices.
  6. 【諺】知識是寶庫,實踐是鑰匙。
    Knowledge is a treasure, but practice is the key to it.
  7. 這是理論到實踐的轉變。
    It is the translation of theories into practice.
  8. 這樣他們就能更好地把理論運用到實踐中去。
    In this way they can better apply theory to practice.


實踐的意思 ∶指改造社會自然的有意識的活動理論與實踐相結合 ∶實際去做;履行實踐諾言白求恩同志是實踐了這一條列寧主義路線的。;;《紀念白求恩》詳細解釋.實行;履行。《宋史·理宗紀》:“至我朝 周敦頤 、 張載
