act the role of; adorn; decorations; ornaments; polish中文解釋:
飾 (飾) shì 裝點得好看:裝飾。修飾。 裝飾用的東西:首飾。銀飾。 裝扮...>>查看“飾”在國語字典中的解釋
1.inwreathe 2.dight 3.decorations相關對話:
- 牆上有一個貝殼做成的裝飾品。There is an ornament made of shells on the wall.
- 現代陶器通常用作裝飾品。Modern pottery is usually ornamental.
- 我用鮮花裝飾房間。I ornamented my room with flowers.
- 牆上有一件青銅飾品。There is a bronze ornament on the wall.
- 我喜歡珍珠飾物。I like pearly ornament.
- 我剛才把你的一個瓷器裝飾品弄掉了。I've just dropped one of your china ornamental.
- 她常戴些低俗的裝飾品。She often wears ornaments of frippery.
- 牆上掛著裝飾性的銅盤。Ornamental copper pans hung on the wall.