拼音:shì wù 英文解釋:
decorations; jewelry; ornaments
(1) ∶首飾(2) ∶指器物上的裝飾品,如花邊、流蘇等 >>
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trappings 漢語造句:
- 很多黃金飾物回爐後鑄成了金幣。
Many of the gold ornaments were melted down to be made into coins.
- 小飾物小的裝飾物、小點綴,例如一件珠寶
A small ornament, such as a piece of jewelry.
- 很多黃金飾物回爐後鑄成了金幣。
Many of the gold ornaments were melted down to be made into coins.
- 那是有葉形飾物之拱門。
That is a foiled arch
- 表鏈上的飾物連線在此種短鏈或短帶上的飾物或標記
An ornament or seal attached to such a chain or ribbon
- 這幢房子上的裝飾物太多了。
The house was overflowing with a profusion of ornaments