拼音:shè zhì英文翻譯
install; mount; put up; set up; setup【計】 set; setting; setup
1.locate 2.intercalate 3.Settings 4.sets 5.set 6.setup 7.setting(up) 8.instal 9.install 10.installation 11.setup 12.institution 13.customize 14.mount例句:
- 警方在廣場的入口處設定了路障。The police barricaded off the entrance to the square.
- 指定,預定為了某種特定的目的指定或設定某物的行為An act of appointing or setting aside for a specific purpose.
- 一頁版面為在一面印刷的版面設定The type set for printing one side of a leaf.
- 字(詞)處理技術中的一種功能特性,它使記錄的正文塊按不同邊線縮排,同時仍然保持原來(固定的)邊線設定。In word processing systems, a feature that enables blocks of recorded text to be indented with different margins, while still retaining the original(fixed) margin settings.
- 用於描述為專門的或連續的使用而設計或設定的機器、微處理器、程式或過程。A term indicating machines, microprocessor, programs, or procedures that are designed or set apart for special or continued use.