拼音:shèng zhuāng英文解釋:
attire; prank; topdress中文解釋:
華美的裝束人們身穿節日的盛裝,匯集到天安門廣場 >>查看“盛裝”在國語詞典中的解釋相關詞條:
1.topdress 2.prank 3.gala 4.beinfinearray中英例句:
- 當夜劇院裡一片喜慶氣氛;明星們個個都將登台表演,觀眾們人人身穿盛裝。It was a gala night at the opera; all the stars were going to perform, and the audience worn their finest clothes.
- 盛裝;華麗的服飾Splendid attire; finery.
- 歌唱家身著盛裝。The singer wears rich attire.
- 我為宴會而盛裝。I dressed up for the party.
- 人們都穿著節日盛裝。People are all in holiday array.