拼音:shèng shí 英文解釋:
(1).猶盛世。《史記·劉敬叔孫通列傳》:“及 周 之盛時,天下和洽,四夷鄉風... >>
查看“盛時”在國語詞典中的解釋 例句:
- 他處在他事業的全盛時期。
He is at the noon of his career.
- 任何事物的全盛時期。
a swelling rush of anything.
- 她是一位過了人生鼎盛時期的孤獨老婦。
She was a lonely old woman who had outlived her day
- 全盛時期
A golden era
- 唐朝是中國古詩的極盛時期。
The Tang Dynasty was the golden age of classical Chinese poetry.
- 即使在極盛時期,所羅門王也沒有像這些花中的任何一朵那樣裝飾自己。
Solomon in all his glory was not arrayed like one of these.
- 浪漫主義的全盛時期
the bloom of Romanticism
- 他出生於和平的興盛時期。
He was born in the palmy days of peace.