拼音:shèng chǎn英文解釋:
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大量地出產盛產魚蟹 >>查看“盛產”在國語詞典中的解釋相關詞條:
- 閩粵贛邊區鹽糧問題由來已久,糧食方面,閩西、粵東均缺糧,贛南盛產旅食。On the history, west Min and east Yue were lack of grain.
- 一塊盛產穀物的土地a land that abounds in grain
- (我的家鄉盛產橘子。)A: My hometown is well-known for oranges
- 這一地區盛產水果。The area is prolific in the production of fruit.
- 和田位於肥沃的綠洲上,盛產各種水果。Hetian is located in a fertile oasis, blessed with a variety of fruits
- 盛產玉米的農田A field that yields many bushels of corn.
- 夏威夷中部的一個島;鳳梨盛產的地方。an island of central Hawaii; a pineapple-growing area.
- 豐富,盛產在數字或數量上巨大To be great in number or amount.