拼音:shà fèi kǔ xīn 英文解釋:
take great pains中文解釋:
費盡心思 為達到細微末節的逼真和精確而煞費苦心然而,現在的謎,卻使她煞費苦心,難... >>
查看“煞費苦心”在國語詞典中的解釋 相關對話:
- 在這篇文章上她煞費苦心達數周之久後,突然間靈機一動找到了布局的方法。
After toiling at the article for weeks, she suddenly found the right way to organize it.
- 為了管理好工廠,他可真是煞費苦心。
He took great pains to manage the factory well.
- 我們煞費苦心地勸了他們一個小時,但是未能說服他們。
We laboured with them for an hour but could not convince them.
- 專家們對岩屑進行了煞費苦心的研究。
The experts did a painstaking sifting of debris
- 他煞費苦心平息裁員的謠言.
He was at great pains to deny the rumour of redundancies.
- 瑪麗煞費苦心地使她的客人過一個愉快的周末。
Mary laid herself out to give her guests an enjoyable weekend.