拼音:qī liáng 英文解釋:
dreariness; loneliness
(1) ∶孤寂冷落夜景淒涼(2) ∶悲涼字字淒涼 >>
查看“淒涼”在國語詞典中的解釋 中英例句:
- 淒涼的荒原,
A howling wilderness
- 淒涼零落的景象
a desolate scene
- 對照這個淒涼的背景,「真假老闆」顯得順理成章。
Against this cheerless backdrop The Boss of It All makes sense.
- 我要離開的生涯是多么淒涼啊!
How sad the life I now leave!
- 安多納德:溫柔而淒涼的法國文學女性形象
An Donald: A Gentle and Sad Female Image in French Literature
- 那座古老建築物周圍籠罩著說不出的淒涼氣氛。
The old building had an intangible air of sadness about it.
- 淒涼的一生
a desolate life
- 一隻孤單的小雞淒涼地在院子裡抓著地。
a single chicken was scratching forlornly in the yard