拼音:qī cǎn de英文解釋:
deplorable; miserable; tragic; wretched例句:
- 這是一個悽慘的故事。It's a tragic tale.
- 這是一個悽慘的故事。It's a tragic tale
- 從這如此悽慘的境況當中,他上升並成為了一個偉大的聖人。Out of such a hell he rose and became a great saint.
- 多么悽慘的景象!What a sad scene!
- 從這如此悽慘的境況當中,他上升並成為了一個偉大的聖人。Out of such a hell he rose and became a great saint
- 你將擁有一個最為痛苦,悽慘的死亡!!You shall die a most painful, gruesome death
- 悽慘的往事洶湧如潮,時時湧上我的心頭。I am haunted with sad memories.
- 沒有你我的生活會很悽慘的。My life would be miserable without you.