base on; depend on; evidence; in the name of; lean on; rely on中文解釋:
憑 (憑) píng 靠在東西上:憑欄。憑弔(對著遺蹟懷念)。 依靠,仗恃:憑...>>查看“憑”在國語字典中的解釋
- 我相信憑你的經驗,你會輕而易舉地得到那份工作。I believe you can walk into that job with your experience.
- 憑條約或婚約結成同盟或聯合。become an ally or associate, as by a treaty or marriage
- 他的意見是憑直覺。He takes his ground on intuition
- 處理這些問題全憑經驗Dealing with these problems is all a matter of experience
- 做生意憑感情用事是錯誤的。In business, it is a mistake to allow the heart to rule the head
- 這個不明確因素可能阻撓你憑直覺行動。Such an uncertainty may prevent you from acting on your hunch.
- 你實際上是憑你自己的力量飛到這么高。You are literally flying high on your own.
- 他們任憑孩子撒野。They allow their children to run wild.