拼音:mù shī 英文解釋:
priest; churchman; clergy; blackcoat; chaplain; minister; pastor
教士成員之一;正式被批准為宣講福音和執行教規的人;有聖職的人 >>
查看“牧師”在國語詞典中的解釋 相關詞條:
reverend 2.
padre 3.
skypilot 4.
shepherd 5.
presbyter 6.
amanofGod 7.
dominie 8.
minister 9.
protestantminister 10.
ministerofreligion 11.
cleric 12.
HolyJoe 13.
HollyJoe 14.
pulpiter 15.
ManofGod 漢語造句:
- 他們的婚禮由當地牧師主持。
Their nuptials were performed by the local priest.
- 牧師在布道會上宣講慈愛的必要。
The priest preached a sermon on the need of charity.
- 他被委任為牧師。
He was an ordained priest.
- 牧師勸他放棄壞習慣。
The priest persuaded him to give up his bad habit.
- 牧師在船離港之前為其祝福。
The priest blessed the ship before it left port.
- 牧師說,他們將因罪惡而下地獄。
The priest said they would go to hell for their sins.
- 牧師做了臨終懺悔。
The priest made a deathbed confession.
- 牧師說,人的靈魂永遠不死。
The priest says that the human spirit never dies.