拼音:mù shī de 英文解釋:
clerical; pastoral; ecclesiastic; reverend相關詞條:
vicarial 2.
pastorly 中英例句:
- 牧師住宅管轄區通常由教會提供給牧師的正式寓所;教區長的管轄區
The official residence usually provided by a church for its parson; a rectory.
- 宗教監護宗教上的管理或監護,如禮拜會牧師的監護
Spiritual charge or care, as of a priest for a congregation.
- 授予部長或牧師的權威。
invest with ministerial or priestly authority.
- 授權授予猶太教牧師的權力
To authorize as a rabbi
- (英國國教)在一個教區被任命為牧師的人。
(Church of England) a clergyman appointed to act as priest of a parish
- 不是牧師的;不適合牧師的。
not priestly; unbefitting a priest