拼音:mù chǎng 英文解釋:
meadow; pasture; prairie; grass; rancho中文解釋:
(1) ∶適於放牧的草場(2) ∶經營畜牧業的生產單位 >>
查看“牧場”在國語詞典中的解釋 相關詞條:
livestockfarm 2.
greenland 3.
pastureland 4.
rangeland 5.
meadow 6.
pasturage 7.
prairie 8.
rancho 9.
dairyhusbandry 10.
grassfarm 11.
pastureground 12.
stockfarm 13.
pasturefield 14.
grazingland 15.
hacienda 16.
lea 漢語造句:
- 受驚的牛群向牧場涌去。
The cattle stampeded towards the farm.
- 牧場上的馬不斷受馬蠅滋擾。
The horses in the meadow were being pestered by flies.
- 亨利八世決定開放若干公爵獵園,把它們改作更加有益的牧場。
Henry VIII decided to dispark the Duchy parks and turn them more profitably into pasture.
- 牧場上有許多牛群。
There are many herds of cattle in the meadow.
- 我們已經把牛放到牧場上吃草去了。
We have put our cattle out to pasture.