all over the place; brim over; free; overflow中文解釋:
漫 màn 水過滿,四外流出,漾出來:河水漫出河床。漫溢。漫流。漫漶(文字、圖...>>查看“漫”在國語字典中的解釋
- 在一個長時間的降雨之後,河水會漫過河岸。After a long period of rain the river may overflow its banks.
- 河水漫過了兩岸。The river overflowed its banks.
- 莫斯科謠言漫布,眾說紛紜,一如既往。As ever, Moscow is full of gossip and rumours about the answers.
- 她在煙霧彌漫的酒吧深處唱著布魯斯歌曲。She was in the back of a smoky bar singing the blues
- 下雪時,漫天飛揚的雪像一個美麗的少女翩翩起舞,紛紛揚揚落下來。When it snowed, it looked like a pretty girl who was dancing
- 在漫長的冬季他一直精心照料室內盆栽植物。He nursed the house plants through a long winter
- 我們整個夏天都在亞洲漫游。We were kicking around Asia all summer.