拼音:liū zǒu英文翻譯
escape; glide; slip【法】 slide; slip
1.slope 2.scoot 3.escaped 4.beatit 5.makeoneselfscarce 6.glide 7.sloke 8.skinout例句:
- 沒人見她離開,她一定是趁我們講話的時候溜走了。Nobody saw her leave: she must have slipped out of the room while we were talking.
- 他神不知鬼不覺地溜走了。He slipped away without being noticed.
- 他們的老闆為逃避責任溜走了。Their boss escaped to weasel out of his responsibility.
- 小偷悄悄從一條小馬路溜走了。The thief slipped away down a side street.