拼音:liū bīng英文解釋:
ice-skating; rink; skate中文解釋:
(1) ∶滑冰(2) ∶滑旱冰 >>查看“溜冰”在國語詞典中的解釋相關詞條:
1.iceskate 2.iceskate 3.rink相關對話:
- 今晚來(和我們一起)溜冰好嗎?Why don't you come ice-skating (with us) tonight?
- 她很想試試她那雙新溜冰鞋。She is raring to try out her new skates.
- 這些女孩在溜冰,而這些男孩在觀看。The girls are skating and the boys (are) watching.
- 那孩子溜冰著了迷。The boy is crazy about skating.
- 我溜冰很差勁。I'm pretty bad at skating.
- 她喜歡和我一起溜冰。She likes to ice-skate with me.
- 我過去常溜冰。I used to ice-skate.
- 我可以借你的滾軸溜冰鞋嗎?May I borrow your roller skates?