字典網>> 漢英字典>> L開頭詞條>>另的英文翻譯 “另”的日文翻譯



additional; another; else; other


另 lìng 別的,以外:另外。另行(x妌g )。另議。另眼看待。另起爐灶(a...


  1. 她繞道在樹林的一邊與我們重新會合。
    She make a detour and rejoin us on the other side of the wood
  2. 橫跨地從一側到一側;跨過或穿過地
    From side to side; crosswise or transversely.
  3. 手性用一隻手而不用一隻手的習慣
    A preference for using one hand as opposed to the other.
  4. Baker太太: 外再要兩雙洗澡用拖鞋。
    Mrs. And we need two more pairs bath slippers.
  5. 我們工作的一方面是追尋野生長土生的土豆。
    Another aspect of our work is tracking down wild and native potato
  6. 講解員要我們注意一幅畫。
    The guide directed our attention to the other picture.
  7. 外,布魯塞爾在生活質量的很多方面號稱是歐洲最好的。
    In addition, Brussels boasts some of the best quality of life in Europe.
  8. 外,本文還用FPGA搭建了實驗電路,利用微機串口,與實驗目標板進行控制和數據交換。
    The COM port is used to change data between the board and the PC.
