approach; insult; rise high中文解釋:
凌 líng 冰:冰凌。凌錐。滴水成凌。 侵犯、欺壓:欺凌。凌逼。凌辱。凌侮。...>>查看“凌”在國語字典中的解釋
- 我們想要份冰激凌和冰檸檬水。For dessert we have vanilla ice cream and lemon sor bet.
- 他昨夜回家很晚,或者更確切地說,已是今天凌晨。He came home very late last night, or rather very early this morning.
- 他們在4月3日凌晨發起進攻。They launched their attack in the small hours of April 3.
- 有間化工廠凌晨發生爆炸。A chemical factory blew up early in the morning
- 怎么會讓這個惡魔欺凌那個可憐的姑娘如此之久,而沒受到制止和制裁呢?How had this monster been allowed to terrorise the poor girl unchallenged?
- 主任盛氣凌人地走進來, 查問是誰違背了他的命令。The director sailed in, demanding to know who had disobeyed his orders.
- 另一扇車窗中,灰綠色草原綿延不絕,四處是凌亂的罌粟。Beyond the other rolled a grey-green savannah, gashed with poppies
- 而在她的家鄉卡薩布蘭卡,電視直播她的決賽時間是凌晨2點。Back in her hometown of Casablanca, her final was televised live at 2 a.m.