拼音:liàn xí英文解釋:
practice; exercise; praxis; rehearsal; training【機】 practice
習題或作業(如一篇作文)拼音練習 >>查看“練習”在國語詞典中的解釋相關詞條:
1.lesson 2.learn 3.rehearse 4.practise 5.practice 6.praxis 7.workout 8.training 9.exerciseoneselfin 10.rehearsal 11.exercitation中英例句:
- 他每天早晨花兩個小時練習賽跑。Every morning he spent two hours training for the race.
- 練習開始前,你最好設定一個目標。You'd better set a goal before you start the drill.
- 你應該在課堂上完成語法練習。You should finish your English grammar drills in the class.
- 為了做練習,老師把我們分成一對一對。The teacher paired us off for the purpose of the exercise.
- 他做了一次無效的練習。He made a futile exercise.
- 在練習簿的封面上寫上你的名字。Write your name on the front cover of the exercise book.
- 下課後,班長把練習冊收了起來。The monitor collected the exercise books after the class was over.
- 我們經常做這類練習。We often do this kind of exercise.