拼音:kǒng hè英文翻譯
threaten; intimidate; bluster; terrify; terrorize【經】 scare
1.intimidation 2.intimidate 3.threaten 4.threat 5.thunderagainst 6.terrorize 7.terrify 8.bully 9.gallow 10.gall 11.concussio 12.affright 13.bullyrag 14.chantage 15.concuss 16.alarm例句:
- "老闆威脅說要解僱所有同情罷工的員工,但是這不過是恐嚇而已。""The boss threatened to dismiss all the employees who had expressed their sympathy for the strike, but it's all bluff."
- 他威脅說要解僱我,但是這不過是恐嚇而已。He threatened to dismiss me from my job, but it's all bluff.
- 侵犯人身的行為非法恐嚇他人或試圖傷害他人的行為或事實The act or an instance of unlawfully threatening or attempting to injure another.
- 老闆威脅說要解僱他,但這不過是恐嚇而已。The boss threatened to dismiss him from his job, but it's all a bluff.