字典網>> 漢英字典>> K開頭詞條>>恐嚇的的英文翻譯


拼音:kǒng xià de


【法】 menacing; minacious; threatening


  1. "我們結婚的時候," 內德幾乎帶?em>趴窒諾目諂暈宜擔?"我們要舉行空前絕後的盛大宴會。" "喔" ,我隨隨便便地應了一聲。 "空前絕後的盛大宴會," 他又說了一遍。
    "When we get married, " Ned said to me almost threateningly, "We're going to have the reception of all time." "Oh, " I said freely. "Of all time, " he repeated.
  2. 對來自準軍隊組織的恐嚇的畏懼
    fear of intimidation from paramilitary organizations
  3. 動物的生活方式;恐嚇的方式
    A form of animal life; a form of blackmail
  4. 動物的生活方式;恐嚇的方式
    A form of animal life; a form of blackmail.
  5. "我們結婚的時候,"內德幾乎帶著恐嚇的口氣對我說,"我們要舉行空前絕後的盛大宴會。""喔",我隨隨便便地應了一聲。"空前絕後的盛大宴會,"他又說了一遍。
    all time." "Oh, " I said freely. "Of all time, " he repeated
  6. 用小型的射擊武器殺人或恐嚇的搏鬥。
    a fight involving shooting small arms with the intent to kill or frighten.
