print; publication; publish中文解釋:
刊 kān 斫,消除,修改:刊誤(亦作“勘誤”)。校(ji刼 )刊。不刊之論(...>>查看“刊”在國語字典中的解釋
- 商業倫理學雜誌》刊載與商業相關的倫理學,包括從道德觀點分析生產體系、消費、銷售、廣告、社會經濟效益、勞資關係、公共關係以及組織行為等方面問題的論文,兼載書評。Journal of Business Ethics.
- 季刊雜誌;按季度付款A quarterly magazine; a quarterly payment
- 周刊每周出一次的出版物A publication issued once a week
- 報紙刊登了對約翰酒後駕車的指控。the newspaper published charges that Jones was guilty of drunken driving.
- 該報每周刊登一篇關於一名優秀運動員的簡介。The newspaper publishes a profile of a leading sportsman every week
- 我訂閱《時代》周刊。I have a subscription to Time
- 科技期刊相關時滯分析Relevant analyses of publishing retardation of sci tech journals
- 報紙和期刊讓我了解時事。Newspapers and periodicals keep me updated on current affairs.