拼音:kān dēng 英文解釋:
在報刊中發表。每一種報紙都刊登了這條報導(或這個故事) >>
查看“刊登”在國語詞典中的解釋 相關對話:
- 我時常愛看一些刊登桃色新聞的小報。
I like to read a scandal sheet every now and then.
- 這一研究被刊登在新英格蘭藥物期刊上。
The research was published in the New England Journal of Medicine.
- 報社刊登了否認不實訊息的聲明。
The newspaper printed a denial of the untrue story
- 這項發現將刊登在四月號的?睡眠?雜誌上。
The findings appear in the April issue of Sleep.
- 我時常愛看一些刊登桃色新聞的小報。
I like to read a scandal sheet every now and then
- 新英格蘭醫藥雜誌在上個月刊登了新發現。
The New England Journal of Medicine published the findings last month.
- 主要新聞刊登在報紙的頭版上。
The chief news is printed on the front page of the newspaper.
- 報紙幾乎逐字逐句地刊登了他的講話。
The newspaper printed his speech more or less word for word.