字典網>> 漢英字典>> J開頭詞條>>糾的英文翻譯



correct; rectify; entangle; gather together


  1. 我的釣魚線同雜草纏在一起。
    My fishing line got entangled in some weeds.
  2. 如果我可以正你的話,事實上,我們不做這方面的業務。
    If I may correct you, we don't handle this line of business, actually.
  3. 用來檢查、正二進制信息序列在傳輸過程中出現的突發錯誤的一種循環校驗碼,它是計算機磁碟存儲器常用的錯誤校驗碼之一
    A cyclic check code used to check and correct the burst error appeared in the transmission procedure of binary information sequence. It is one of the error check codes in common use for computer disc memory.
  4. 眼鏡,護目鏡鑲在輕型框架中,用於正視力或保護眼睛的一對鏡片
    A pair of lenses mounted in a light frame, used to correct faulty vision or protect the eyes.
  5. 你當眾正我的錯誤,弄得我很難為情
    You made me look so small, correcting me in front of everybody.


糾的意思 糾 (糾) ū 纏繞:糾纏。糾紛。 矯正:糾偏。糾正。 集合(含貶義):糾合。 筆畫數:; 部首:糹; 筆順編號:
