拼音:jiǎng huà 英文解釋:
address; speak; speech; talk; talking中文解釋:
(1) ∶指正式的演說他的畢業典禮的講話隨後被印發了(2) ∶說出來的話(3) ... >>
查看“講話”在國語詞典中的解釋 相關詞條:
lecture 2.
talk 3.
talking 4.
speech 漢語造句:
- 她討厭他到不和他講話的程度。
She hates him to the point of not talking to him.
- 我心情愁悶,不想和任何人講話。
I am out of spirits and don't want to speak to anyone.
- 他起草了一份講話的概要。
He drew up a brief for his speech.
- 無疑,他們一定知道這樣講話可能產生的後果。
Certainly they must know the probable result of such speeches.
- 他的講話贏得了聽眾的掌聲。
His speech won the applause of the audience.
- 我插進了幾則笑話,把我的講話拉長了。
I made my speech longer by padding it with a few jokes.
- 電影開演後,他們還在毫無顧忌地講話。
They gaily went on talking after the film had started.
- 在晚會上他很靦腆,沒有和任何人講話。
He was too shy to talk to anyone at the party.