拼音:hùn luàn英文解釋:
confusion; disorder; fluster; mess; mix; shuffle; upside down【計】 blurring
【醫】 diachesis
(1) ∶沒條理;沒秩序思想混亂(2) ∶雜亂,缺乏秩序、規律、系統性的狀態戰後... >>查看“混亂”在國語詞典中的解釋相關詞條:
1.babelism 2.ball-up 3.getmixedup 4.gotmixedup 5.muss 6.razzle-dazzle 7.mess 8.turbidity 9.kerfuffle 10.disarray 11.disorder 12.foul-up 13.messup 14.bagofnails 15.outoforder 16.bemixedup相關對話:
- 因風雪交加道路上混亂不堪。The wintry weather has caused chaos on the roads.
- 咱們努力收拾這個混亂的局面吧。Let's try to straighten out this confusion.
- 我對此混亂情況負有全部[部分]責任。I am wholly/partly responsible for the confusion.
- 生日晚會之後,房間裡一片混亂。The room was in confusion after the birthday party.
- 當地的經濟現在很混亂。The local economy is now in a mess.
- 誰應該對這種混亂負責?Who's responsible for the terrible mess?
- 電力供應中斷,城市陷於混亂之中。After the failure of the electricity supplies the city was in chaos.
- 即使是最聰明的人也會陷入瑣事與混亂之中。The most brilliant person may be mired in detail and confusion.