拼音:huī fù英文翻譯
recover; come back; restore; re-collect; recuperate; regain; renewalresurrect; retrieve; revert
【計】 healing; REC; recover; recovery; reinsertion
【醫】 anaphora; anastasis; anastate; antisecosis; convalescence; reablement
recovery; recuperate; recuperation; redintegration; refection
rehabilitation; renovation; repair; restitutio; restitution
【經】 recover; recovery; rehabilitation; reinstatement; restoration; resume
resumption; retrocession; revival
1.recovery 2.revivification 3.re-collectoneself 4.recuperation 5.restore 6.restoration 7.resumption 8.restored 9.restoring 10.reinstate 11.reciver 12.dropbackinto 13.recoverfrom... 14.gotover 15.instauration 16.reparation例句:
- 在過去的幾年中我們為了國民經濟的恢復做了大量的工作。A lot has been done in the recovery of national economy in the past few years.
- 新經理的工作是讓這家公司能恢復盈利狀況。The new manager's job is to restore the company to profitability.
- 假期過後,我覺得健康恢復得相當不錯。I feel quite restored to health after my holiday.
- 軍隊的任務是要去恢復公共秩序。The army's task was the restoration of public order.
- 她恢復得那么快,我們都有些驚訝。We are surprised by the rapidity of her recovery.
- 他正在順利恢復。He is well on his way to recovery.
- 他病得非常厲害,不大可能恢復健康了。He is very ill and unlikely to recover.
- 罷工的失敗使公司恢復了正常的公共汽車營業。The collapse of the strike enabled the company to resume normal bus services.
恢復的意思 ∶使變成原來的樣子恢復她在社會中的地位恢復宮殿昔日的壯麗 ∶重新得到 恢復了他在政府和大學裡的原職位 傷病或疲勞之後身體復原恢復體力恢復健康詳細解釋《文選·班固〈東都賦〉》:“系 唐 統,接 漢

- 恢復的的英文翻譯
- 恢復項的英文翻譯
- 恢復電壓的英文翻譯
- 恢復速率的英文翻譯
- 恢復某人名譽的英文翻譯
- 恢復能力的英文翻譯
- 恢復期血清的英文翻譯
- 恢復中斷的英文翻譯
- 恢復收益的英文翻譯
- 恢復記錄的英文翻譯
- 恢復更新的英文翻譯
- 恢復藥的英文翻譯
- 恢復衝量的英文翻譯
- 恢復過程的英文翻譯
- 恢複方式的英文翻譯

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