falsehood; flam; lie中文解釋:
謊 (謊) huǎng 假話:謊話。謊言。撒謊。要謊。彌天大謊。 說假話:謊稱...>>查看“謊”在國語字典中的解釋
1.flam 2.falsehood相關對話:
- 你怎么能說出這種謊言?How can you utter such falsehoods?
- 我不會跟你撒謊,那不是我的風格。I wouldn't tell lies to you; that's not my style.
- 你說這些謊話就降低了身份。You debase yourself by telling such lies.
- 她罵他說謊。She reproved him for telling lies.
- 我痛恨撒謊的人。I detest people who tell lies.
- 謊言總是站不住腳的。Lies have short legs.
- 說謊是不道德的。It's wrong to tell lies.
- 我痛恨任何一個說謊的人。I hate whoever lies.