拼音:huǎng bào英文解釋:
give false information【法】 misreport
假造事實報告。越劇《二度梅》第二場:“ 彩環 ,你謊報有功,老爺賞你銀子五兩,快... >>查看“謊報”在國語詞典中的解釋相關詞條:
1.falseclaim 2.misrepresentation 3.misreport例句:
- 她謊報自己的年齡。She lied about her age.
- 他為了參軍謊報了年齡。He lied about his age to join the army.
- 她謊報年齡。She lies about her age.
- 謊報軍情make a false report about the military situation
- 在懷俄明州,謊報動物疾病疫情則構成違法行為。In Wyoming, false reporting of an animal disease outbreak is a crime
- 你向他們謊報資歷是很不老實的。It was very dishonest of you to lie to them about your qualifications.
- 在懷俄明州,謊報動物疾病疫情則構成違法行為。In Wyoming, false reporting of an animal disease outbreak is a crime.
- 警方現已將此案定性為謊報案情的輕罪行為。The case is now being investigated as filing a false report, a misdemeanor