very; quite; awfully; considerably; extremely; greatly中文解釋:
很 hěn 甚,非常,表示程度加深:很快。很好。 古同“狠”,兇惡。 古代指爭...>>查看“很”在國語字典中的解釋
1.uncommonly 2.heaps 3.much 4.grossly 5.rareand 6.rattling 7.damnwell 8.damagingly 9.highly 10.considerably 11.verymuch 12.quite 13.inlargemeasure 14.greatly 15.andhow 16.awfully中英例句:
- 那不是很恰當的話。That was not a very happy remark.
- 她的故事使我很感動。I was very moved by her story.
- 我的記性很差。I have a very poor memory.
- 不會發很多時間的。It won't take much time.
- 看起來很漂亮。It looks very nice.
- 他對所謂的流行歌曲很感興趣。He is very interested in what are called popular songs.
- 現在賣報紙利潤很少。There is very little profit in selling newspapers at present.
- 見到你很高興。I'm very glad to meet you.