拼音:hào shǒu 英文解釋:
(1) ∶小號的吹奏者,特指用小號發信號的人(2) ∶吹號或吹軍號傳送信號的人(... >>
查看“號手”在國語詞典中的解釋 相關對話:
- 號手們的面頰一收一鼓。
The cheeks of the trumpeters sucked in and out.
- 巴里·塔克韋爾是倫敦交響樂團的主號手。
Barry Tuckwell was principal horn with the London Symphony Or-chestra.
- 長號手管弦樂隊中吹奏長號的人
A member of an orchestra who plays the trombone
- 長號手管弦樂隊中吹奏長號的人
A member of an orchestra who plays the trombone.
- 將軍命令號手吹號收兵。
The general ordered the bugler to sound the retreat.
- 小號手英勇地面對敵人。
The little bugler bravely squared up to his enemy.
- 走私者對在拖船中擁抱臭蟲的號手聳聳肩.
The smuggler shrugged to the bugler hugging the bug in the tugboat.