拼音:hào wài英文解釋:
extra of a newspaper中文解釋:
報社在遇有重大突發事件,欲向大眾作迅速報導,所臨時印發的新聞紙。因不在每日新聞紙... >>查看“號外”在國語詞典中的解釋漢語造句:
- 號外報紙中特殊的一版A special edition of a newspaper.
- 一個報童正在尖聲叫賣號外。A newsboy was screaming an extra
- 號外報紙中特殊的一版A special edition of a newspaper
- 那家報紙出版號外宣布戰爭結束的訊息。The paper published an extra to announce the end of the war.
- 肝豆狀核變性基因12號外顯子突變特徵的研究Another hot point mutation of Wilson disease gene in Chinese: exon 12
- 《人民日報》號外an extra to The People's Daily