- 那就是為什麼我外號叫胖子的的原因。
Thats why my nickname is FATBOY.
- 我們以綽號叫他們。
We call them by their nicknames.
- 因為他很高, 就給他起個外號叫`矮子'.
He was nicknamed Shorty because he was so tall!
- 那個外號叫福爾摩斯的偵探令罪犯聞之喪膽。
The detective, nicknamed Holmes, is a terror to criminals
- 他像豬似的號叫著
He squealed like a pig
- 那個外號叫福爾摩斯的偵探令罪犯聞之喪膽。
The detective, nicknamed Holmes, is a terror to criminals.
- 一年級的時候,別人給我起了個外號叫“髒孩子”。
I got a nickname "dirty boy"when I was in Grade 1
- 我們不是有個口號叫“中華民族大團結萬歲”嗎?
We have a slogan, "Long live the great unity of the Chinese nation" Right?