字典網>> 漢英字典>> H開頭詞條>>行政官員的英文翻譯


拼音:háng zhèng guān yuán


【法】 administrative officer; executive officer


1.logothete  2.governor  


  1. 他本人算不得一個好的行政官員,儘管在他需要的時候他能有效地運用統計資料,可他對數字的掌握卻不夠好。
    He is not much of an administrator himself: though he can use statistics to good effect when he wants to, he has no great grasp of figures.
  2. 他是地方行政官員,也就是說是文官。
    He's a local government administrator, that is to say a Civil Servant.
  3. 政府任期,官員任期行政官員或行政機構的任期
    The term of office of an executive officer or a body.
  4. 法國政府部門的首要行政官員
    A chief administrative official of a department of France.
  5. 管理公園或停車場的行政官員
    a commissioner in charge of public parks.
  6. 法國政府部門的首要行政官員
    A chief administrative official of a department of France
  7. 政府任期,官員任期行政官員或行政機構的任期
    The term of office of an executive officer or a body
