拼音:háng yuán英文解釋:
1.bankstaff 2.bankemployee例句:
- 我們的飛行員架機飛入雲層試圖擺脫敵人的戰鬥機。Our pilot dived into a bank of cloud in an attempt to shake off the enemy fighters.
- 那個飛行員因機場為濃霧籠罩而不能回來。The pilot could not return because the airfield had fogged up.
- 降落傘飛行員或跳傘者的降落傘A parachute, such as one for pilots or skydivers
- 向飛行員作出發前的最後指示to brief pilots before a flight
- 但它同時也必須能給飛行員帶來足夠的愉悅!A professional tandem, but a wing also made for pleasure
- 這種新飛機需要飛行員有極高的技巧。This new aircraft makes tremendous demands of the pilot.