拼音:guān yuán英文翻譯
functionary; officeholder; officer; official; placeman【法】 government man; officer; officials
1.nazir 2.official 3.officeholder 4.office-bearer 5.postholder 6.officer 7.offical 8.placeman 9.functionary 10.myrmidon 11.Director 12.polemarch例句:
- 那位官員必須免職。That officer must be removed.
- 移民官員在我的護照上蓋了戳。The immigration officer stamped my passport.
- 他父親是一位海關官員。His father is a customs officer.
- 這個官員對窮人的需求表現出完全漠視的態度。The official has shown a total disregard for the needs of the poor.
- 市長是一位重要的官員。The mayor is a considerable official.
- 當地政府一位官員來看他。An official of the local government called to see him.
- 他是個自命不凡的官員。He is a pompous official.
- 我對這些官員的普遍受賄感到震驚。I'm shocked at the prevalence of bribery among these officials.