拼音:guān diǎn英文解釋:
a point of view; frame of reference; point of view; slant; standpointviewpoint
(1) ∶觀察事物時所處的立場或出發點不可能理解另外一個人的觀點從植物學的觀點看... >>查看“觀點”在國語詞典中的解釋相關詞條:
1.perspective 2.outlook 3.attitudeofmind 4.view 5.apointofview 6.viewpoint 7.frameofreference 8.slant 9.sentiment 10.eye漢語造句:
- 他只是偶爾一次公開自己的觀點。Only rarely does he let his own views become public.
- 我們之間的觀點不一致。The views between us are discordant.
- 這些觀點在知識分子中很普遍。These views were common among intellectuals.
- 他因觀點不受歡迎而見棄於社會。His unpopular views made him a social leper.
- 我們的觀點存在著嚴重的分歧,絕無調和餘地。Our views diverged so greatly that it was impossible to agree.
- 這些哲學觀點可以作為處世指南。These philosophical views serve as a guide in life.
- 他們代表我們向議會表達我們的觀點。They were deputed to put our views to the assembly.