拼音:gé lí英文解釋:
insulate; quarantine; close off; keep apart; segregate; insulation【計】 buffering; shielding
【醫】 detention; isolate; isolation; segregation; sequester; sequestration
(1) ∶斷絕接觸;斷絕往來種族隔離隔離治療(2) ∶隔斷蜀山兀,阿房出。覆壓三... >>查看“隔離”在國語詞典中的解釋相關詞條:
1.isolation 2.insulate 3.quarantine 4.separation 5.seclusion 6.separate 7.seclude 8.isolate 9.severance 10.insulation 11.closeoff 12.shutaway 13.segregate 14.segregant 15.compartmentalization 16.segregation相關對話:
- 根據社會工作者的建議把那孩子與其父母隔離了。The child was taken away from its parents on the recommendation of social workers.
- 這個病人應該隔離。This patient should be separated from the others.
- 有暴力行為的囚犯隔離囚禁。Violent prisoners are kept separate from the others.
- 我五天后解除檢疫隔離。I will be out of quarantine after five days.
- 他接受了一星期的檢疫隔離。He had been kept in quarantine for a week.